Free for apple download The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Free for apple download The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

free for apple download The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Class items that did not already have their proper ratings now do.Erroneous enemy mitigations have been corrected.Corrected low Outgoing Healing values in traits and gear.Thrymm's abilities in combat are now once again functioning in the quest "Remembering Thrymm" in Wildermore.Storvagon bracelets and several other pieces of jewelry now reflect their appropriate morale benefit.Pink distant landscapes in the Vales of Anduin and Wells of Anduin now display as expected.The Collections panel for the River Hobbit bundle butterflies now properly links to the Superior River Hobbit Bundle in the LOTRO Store.Alken Chubb, an NPC in the Green Dragon, now has his proper name.Race of Men hair now has its correct specular value in DX9.River Hobbit vital portraits now have better animations and character positioning.Here are the release notes for Update 37.0.1, released on Wednesday, September 6th, 2023.

Free for apple download The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey